Many Saturday evenings come and go,but how well we spend them is all what it takes to make it a beautiful one.I had one such Saturday evening yesterday.After finishing my last lab exam of my engineering career,little less did i want to get back to my books cause that wasn't the agenda of the evening,at least not for a few days now.
There lay an invite to the Annual Day Celebrations of my brothers company at KTPO for the evening at home,and a little birdie told me there was Shaan performing for the event.And that was enough for me to decide that i had to see Shaan live...yeah a live concert after such a long time.I wanted to go and so did I.
The drive to KTPO was a long 26 kms!!! and who knew the world out there would be so different from the quiet suburbs we live in.All along the way we were embraced by the thriving real estate industry.KTPO was a huge place,I think KTPO is the single biggest closed stadium housed in Bangalore.
Well the Celebrations were good,all the preparations taken by the participants to put up their piece of entertainment was worth watching and appreciating,cause it was the employees of the company who graced the entire evening.Reminded me of my School Day celebrations when we would take an entire week off to prepare our piece of dance or skit with such great fervor,that the excitement dies only after the performance is over and appreciated.Anyways the evening was at its best with Mandira Bedi and Roshan Abbas trying their best to MC the event in sync.After the entire grand setup of the evening i kept trying to calculate how big the company is right now considering it was started some 30 odd years back,its shares doing consistently well in the market,the company acquiring such prestigious projects in the country and overseas.I kept wondering how rich the CEO of this company is right now and how he must be to be listed as one of who's who in the richest people in India, to win the Economic Times CEO of the year award.Wishing i could have been directly a part of his lineage,to be able to enjoy in first hand all the grand and warmth and luxury and success of such an amazing entrepreneur.I kept wondering how such a person would be in real life.
When he was called on stage to give away the awards for the evening.I was taken aback.I mean many a times you think of a particular person or situation in your own way and expect it to be the same in reality,but when you actually face the reality you are so stumbled and realize how wrong you were.
I kept thinking ill see the CEO as a man clad in a thick black suit,a tie with a commanding stride after all thats what we believe successful,rich people have in them.But to my surprise onto the stage came this simple attired man,with such a humble walk,like any ordinary individual.And when he spoke he didn't once use the word 'I', he always addressed as a 'WE' and spoke only about his team of Executives and in fact called them onto the stage to give away the awards along with him.This humility which i saw in this man made me think,made me feel small and also realize what great,successful people are made of.If you recollect you realize achievers are those who are humble,be it Kiran Bedi,Ramachandra Guha,Sudha Murthy all of them have it in them and thats what makes them all soo respectable.One lesson learnt i thought
Yeah the reason i came for the event finally turned up at 8pm,he was the show-stopper of the evening and one of the very good singers in the Hindi music industry and one of my favorite singers Shaan (Shantanu Mukherjee).Boy-o-Boy did he have a golden voice or what.Singing along,dancing to his tune and listening to him live was such a bliss.
This was followed by a massive dinner,nope i would rather call it a banquet.Cut straight from some story book,this was a huge room filled with food ranging from Italian,Mexican,Chinese right till our very own South Indian "masala dosa" and yeah the best part was it was all Vegetarian.To my surprise one corner of the banquet hall had heaps of fresh fruits being cut and served individually making you feel like a prince/princess.Now thats what u call 'Employee Satisfaction' i thought.Eating such good food and listening to the melodious voice of Shaan was a very nice way to relax.
Now for the second lesson 'Employee Satisfaction'.Never hesitate to spend on people who mean the most to you is what i realized i learned from the entire evening.
Well i came here expecting nothing,and returned back learning a few things from a great entrepreneur...And yes the long drive back home in the middle of the night in top gear was superb too.... :)