These past few weeks have been glorious as a reader for me...Everything i laid my eyes on turned out to be gold and such joyous reads that am happy that my strike rate with reading has gotten back to being usual...the best part about being a reader is that you get to audience such wide range of ideas and mindsets which i can very definitely say cannot be explored in any other form of media.
The first of such glorious reads of mine was this outrageously funny animated journal of an insensitive and highly annoying kid called 'Greg' which is very aptly titled 'The Diary of a Wimpy Kid'. When i heard the name i thought that its probably one of those 'comic kiddish attempts' but when i took my first look at the cover of the book i knew its gonna be one hell of a laugh riot...and true to my pre-conceived notion it didn disappoint me one bit....or rather it made putting down the book such a daunting task that i can very proudly say i got 'hooked' on to it..
When you google the book down you would see that it falls into a very funny category called 'juvenile fiction' and trust me it very strictly adheres to it. Very fiction and strictly 'Juvenile'.Its a simple journal entry of a self-centered kid called Greg and his everyday portrayal of events as he sees them happen around.He is queer kid who for his age is highly selfish and far far away from being any kind of role model to any kid reading such a book, but the satire and timing in the emotion of this silly kid makes this book such an amazing read that you would like to over-look all his defaced behaviours.He is one of those kids who cares very little for the outcomes of his actions/thoughts and cares lesser for the world around him...all he really cares is about 'HIM'. He is one of those who doesnt care much about emotions that run out of actions.
The whole book is a thoroughly light read...you ca just finish it off in one go..and let me warn you...you will not put it down once you start reading it.I dont want to give out spoilers here but i just cant stop raving about the life Greg lives.There are some magically funny incidents of how hard it is to 'grow up' when you are just a kid :) Here its about how Greg goes through middle school with its share of challenges...to be cool,to be popular,to be noticeable..He has a side kick for a friend called 'Rowley' who is quite a normal kid but Greg doesn actually deserve anybody better for a friend.He doesn really care much for Rowley as long as he is occupied being around him...be it the Halloween party or the time when he doesn stand up for "Rowley's" mistaken identity which costs him his friendship with Rowley...There are some incidents which are a laugh riot like the comic strip competition where he and Rowley start of initially together but Greg is soo engrossed in his 'I am the coolest person and my idea's are the best' arrogance that he gives up on his idea -'Zoo wee mama' , which eventually becomes an instant hit in the school magazine...But my favourite journal entry is the one in which Greg secretly wishes for a Barbie dream house and he gets a Barbie doll from his equally queer uncle which gets his parents get into a nervous wreck....:)
Whats the single most commendable element of such a book is that it describes everyday affairs of a kid in such a humorous way with such brilliant illustrations that it leaves you wishing you had read it while you were growing up like Greg.There are some books which if you read while you are a kid instills the love for reading and am sure if i were a kid and read this i would have also felt the urge to continue reading from books.I distinctly remember my first concrete book that got me into the habit of reading...It was called 'The Kid who ran for the President' and after i completed the book i realised what a joy it is to just simply read. :)
So kudos to the author Jeff Kenney (who has been nominated as one of the 100 most influential people by TIME magazine) to be able to put together the juvenile thoughts in such a highly respectable cartoon format...Am just waiting when i can laymy hands on the next 3 books :)
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Pleasure's all mine :)
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